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Happy is the man who does not go in the company of sinners, or take his place in the way of evil-doers, or in the seat of those who do not give honour to the Lord.
Psalms 1:1

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About Us

Past history:


No one can choose where they are born; therefore, our learning path is a combination of nature and nurture in a given environment. The way I was brought up helped me to create a vision of how I shall give back to my community.  I have been in America for the past 27 years, and I would not have been able to gain the same experiences, to live with passion, commitment, and dedication, and to help others to be successful had I stayed in my homeland.  Today, I want to set an example, not only for my children and colleagues, but also to the community that I serve.


Prior to 2000, as a volunteer, I devoted my efforts to various charity programs and activities such as assisting students in schools, library art projects, serving in homeless shelters, and working with local communities and chambers of commerce to explore culture events, and to create social awareness of youth leadership, humanity, and education.


In 2002, serving as director of the oversight committee of East Los Angeles College, my purpose was to support and enrich the education system so that students would have a better learning environment.


From 2002 to 2012 I served on the board of directors at The Los Angeles Community Development Foundation, and as a former president of the board, my passion has been always been in development of youth leadership and education. In part due to my efforts, there is now an annual youth educational scholarship program for students living in the section 8 public housing community. There are also a number of youth programs in photography, computers, etc., designed to motivate and develop skills and leadership .

We also helped create a program, “Art for Healing”, that ran from 2005 to 2006.  This program helped children develop their interest in art, and in 2006, there was an art exhibition with at the JKL art gallery in Santa Monica. The topic of this art show was the relationship between children and dogs.


 In 2010, I participated in church missionary service in Moscow.  The main focus of this trip was to motivate and create a learning environment for local high school, college, and graduate students to develop youth leadership and humanity through Christianity, and to learn to be contributors to society, and to pay-it-forward to others.


Since 2012, as a professor at East Los Angeles College, I have taught management and entrepreneurship classes. I try to engage college students to develop their leadership skills. As a funding member of You Lead Foundation, and an advisor of the entrepreneurship club at the East Los Angeles College, my goal is not only to develop the organization for youth to have great skill sets to meet the needs of society but also to learn about Christianity, and how it can impact humanity.




You Lead Foundation is located at 511 #A, S. Del Mar Ave., San Gabriel, Ca 91776. Based on the past history, the board of You Lead Foundation is trying to engage students to be part of the process, inviting church members to support and facilitate the programs and services, and having individuals and corporations from the community participate in events and fundraising activities to support the You Lead Foundation.


Since 2012, the board engaged with Logo Seminary school and a local church in the San Gabriel Valley to promote the concept of the development of the You Lead Foundation. We aim to have members of the church educate and promote humanity and living with grace and the peace of God.


In 2013, I spoke at East Los Angeles Community College to raise awareness of youth programs. Connect with the other professional or nonprofit organizations to support of You Lead Foundation for its future programs and services.


Also, we believe that parents shall also involve with children in their day-to-day life. Thus, the foundation also provided workshops and seminars to enhance parenting knowledge and assist parents their parenting skills.


Planned Activities:


You Lead foundation will primary serve youth between age of 12 to 18. The foundation will provide opportunities thru programs and activities in particular community involvement to enhance and motivate their leadership skills with attire with God’s grace, develop their talent skills thru professional education training.


Program and service Offerings:

Leadership program:

A 8 weeks leadership training workshops to be held on Saturday.


Developing talented thru education program:

Art, music, and writing creative workshops to be held at designated location thru the weeks.

Financial concept and management workshops


Humanity programs:

Participate or to serve local church and/or community events.

Field trip to explore culture and social awareness.








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