
    Tempting Faith



Warren Chu

A new book by former White House official, David Kuo, accuses White House officials of urging evangelists to vote for them and used their votes to won elections, but in private ridiculing evangelist supporters as “nuts” and “goofy”. David Kuo’s book has some confused.
Whit House strategists knew “the nuts” were politically invaluable, but that was the extent of their usefulness, Kuo writes. For democrats the timing of Kuo’s book is perfect. The book comes in the midst of the scandal involving former Rep. Mark Foley. The book is scheduled to be in stores October 16, 2006. It is unclear whether Kuo has named any officials to have used this language.
While it is unclear if any of this is true if any of it is true, then Republicans can count on Evangelists withdrawing from elections.

《2006年10月21--27日網上崇拜》 (1)
《2006年10月21--27日網上崇拜》 (2)
網上主日學: 哥林多前書3:12 -- 17 (2)
諾貝爾經濟獎得主的不可能任務: 魚與熊掌可兼得
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