
    A National Movement To Create A Good Religion.



Warren Chu

Jim Wallis declared that too many Americans have been exposed to bad religion. Jim Wallis called on Saturday more than 1000 Christians to join his in a national movement to create a good religion.

They gathered in Pasadena to listen to Wallis the author of the best-selling book, “God’s Politics: Why the Right are Wrong and the Left don’t Get It”, talk about good religion and bad religion. For Christians, good religion means heeding the poor, Wallis said. Poverty is today’s slavery, he says. How did the faith of Jesus come to be known as pro-rich, pro-war, and only pro-American? He asked. How do we get back to a historic, biblical, and genuine evangelical faith rescued from its contemporary distortions? Wallis asked the crowd.

Many of the attendees were pastors and Christian workers from all over the world. To purchase Wallis’ book, http://www.amazon.com/Gods-Politics-Right-Wrong-Doesnt/dp/0060834471/sr=8-1/qid=1159642453/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-6706828-2837508?ie=UTF8&s=books.

選舉年,沃爾瑪又成話題-- 新聞焦點
New Weed Whackers For Vineyards
教會發展大趨勢(6) -- 教會市場推廣方法
《2006年9月30日—10月6日網上崇拜》 (1)
網上主日學: 哥林多前書3:1-11 (1)



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