
    One God, But In Different Ways



Warren Chu

Many people believe in God, but what they don’t agree on is what kind of a God he is.
There are four types of God that people believe in. There is an Authoritative God, Benevolent God, Distant god, and Critical God. The Authoritative God is a God who is very judgmental and is very caught up in human affairs. This depiction of God is more likely to punish mankind. A benevolent God is also a God who is caught up in human affairs, but is less willing to punish mankind. A distant God is a God who does not manage human affairs at all, and a distant God is a God that is not caught up in our affairs, but still dislikes some on Earth. 31.4% believe in an Authoritative God, 23% believe in a benevolent God, 35.4% believe in a Distant God, and 16% believe in a critical God.
A benevolent God is a God who looks over us and is willing to forgive. This is the God that’s described in the Bible. This is the God I believe in.

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