
    Comic Bible



Warren Chu

Robert Luedke is a comic book author. Actually, he prefers the term graphic novel. He is one of many graphic novel authors determined to bring their faith filled novels to a wider audience.

Luedke is the author of “Eye Witness: A Fictional Tale of Absolute Truth”. Christian comics have been around for decades, but unlike Christian Music, it still needs to find a wide market. Some find graphic novels inappropriate; they think that graphic novel means adult content, when in reality only some are inappropriate. Luedke still doesn’t have any customers though. All his posters are left untouched and unsigned. He still has an almost complete stock of all his graphic novels. But, Luedke feels that this is just part of the process.

I believe that soon churches will try out these novels, and use them as a tool to appeal to younger audiences This will appeal to young adults more than just reading off a paper or listening. You still need the Bible though. This just is a fun way to make them understand what they’re reading.

網上主日學: 哥林多前書(1:18 – 31) (二) (1)
2006 基督教網路事工研討會
《2006年8月26日—9月1日網上崇拜》 (1)



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