


 《ADHD & Me: what i learned from lighting fires at the dinner table》  . 566


/ 阿丹 文
/ 瀟碧 譯

《過 動兒與我》(ADHD & Me)這本書,是加州柏克萊大學學生Blake E. S. Taylor寫的•這書像本自傳,但附了許多過動兒應該注意的事項和建議•最令我詫異的是,Blake居然能夠那麼清楚的描述出他童年發生過的事情•一段 五歲時的經歷,寫得那麼細膩、詳盡,就像幾分鐘前剛發生過的•


不 單書裡提到的事件和我自己經歷過的相似(當然稍稍有些改變),就是怎麼處理的方法也相似•Blake提供幫助過動兒的「妙方」(hows),我都很熟悉, 許多到現在仍然管用•書中每個故事、每項狀況之後,緊跟著都會提出一些建議、解決方法、和資料,對你一定有用,我推薦你好好看看•



(阿丹寫於 8. 29. 2008) (原文附於後)

今年六月,很偶然的,在一份通訊上,看到有關Blake Taylor的報導。



究竟Blake Taylor如何克服ADHD所帶來的困擾?他坦然說到他的三大法寶:藥物、時間管理、找出抒發精力的管道。

Taylor在《過動兒與我:我在餐桌上點火學到的功課》《ADHD & Me: what i learned from lighting fires at the dinner table》提到:「我對付注意力容易轉移的方法是:永遠讓我的日子過得規律。」每天早上他在固定的時間起床,無論是讀書、工作、社交,都劃出特定的時間。他說:「因為我有計劃,所以我在時間管理上,能夠做好工作、訪問、和任何其他事情。

柏克萊大學心理系主任Stephen Hinshaw把Taylor 2007年出的這本書,列為心理系學生必讀刊物。




《分心也有好成績》的作者Edward Hallowell醫生說:這本書是他讀過,最有趣的一本過動兒回憶錄。


/瀟碧 9. 5. 2008

ADHD & ME, written by an UC Berkeley student named Blake E. S. Taylor. This book I see as an autobiography with many hints and advice on how to properly deal with ADHD & ADD. I'm so amazed at how clear Blake is in describing his childhood memories. A 5 year-old experience containing very thorough detail as if he recalled it happened a minute ago.

Reading through ADHD & ME, some of the behaviors & feelings given by Blake I can relate to myself. Every person is different but Blake states a broad & general point of view of an ADHD’s mind that can be used by a parent or anyone else to get a good idea or sense of understanding in order to help a young ADHD individual.

Not only do the story event are similar to my past (added with a few changes), but also the tips to manage the situations. The “hows” Blake states for you to help an ADHD individual are familiar to me and several of them has already been used or can still be used all by myself, on my own. The stories and situations followed by advice & solutions and with other sources that you can use, I recommend that you look into it.

Don't just hog the book for yourself though; share ADHD & ME together with the young ADHD child you wish to help. Easy to read, the vocabulary & grammar isn't difficult, and a simple format to follow while taking notes or marking things down.

Again, I highly recommend that ADHD & ME be the first place you will look. A basic point to start a direction into a harder & difficult pathway for you aid towards an ADHD individual.

(by Josh 8/29/08)

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