Democrats off to a Rocky Start

Warren Chu

Nancy Pelosi’s choice for second-in-command was soundly defeated. Rep. Steny H. Hoyer defeated her choice, John P. Murta.

Pelosi’s failed attempt to anoint her own second-in command has led to doubts and criticisms. This has given critics a chance to criticize her. Rep, Barney Frank (D-Mass) said that many people are asking how someone so good and smart as she make a mistake. This is a rocky start for the Democratic Party. Politicians are now waiting to see if Pelosi can work with Hoyer. Her role as speaker will not be certain until January when they will take a formal vote.

Pelosi seems able to do a fine job, but if the critics find enough small things to criticize her about she may not make it. 

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《2006年11月18 - 25日網上崇拜》
網上主日學: 哥林多前書第四章