Ocean-themed chocolate museum opens in Shinan, Qingdao

A chocolate underwater castle is exhibited in the Choc Choco Chocolate Museum in Shinan district, Qingdao. [Photo/WeChat account: qdweishinan]

The Choc Choco Chocolate Museum (Qingdao), located at No 139 Zhongshan Road in Shinan district, Qingdao, recently opened for trial operation, attracting numerous visitors.

This chocolate museum is the only one in Shandong with a chocolate ocean world amusement park. Featuring elements of Qingdao, the venue is an immersive chocolate-themed park that integrates experiences, interactions, exhibitions, education, and sales.

The museum displays several chocolate-made Qingdao landmarks, such as the century-old Zhanqiao Pier and world-famous oil paintings.

In the museum's DIY area, visitors can make their own chocolate handicrafts, said Sun Liliang, who works at the museum.