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Douglas J. Rumford;翻譯、播講:柏靈 宣信


•猶大的動機很複雜, 因為他本身是一個複雜的角色。他貪婪,從公款偷錢來滿足自己;他欺騙,在克西馬尼園裡設圈套陷害耶穌;他嫉妒;他有野心,他希望耶穌建立政治王國,自己當財政部長;他恐懼,看自己計畫搖搖欲墜,背叛就成了他最後的救命稻草。



•在猶大眼裡耶穌是一項事業,是一個理想。人對耶穌氣憤, 是因為耶穌不認同他們所認為的真理. 那麼當耶穌的教導讓你感到不安的時候,你不應該放棄他,而是要放棄自己錯誤的想法。



Judas: Blinded  by Desire  

People have often been intrigued by the complexity of Judas' motives. If you study Judas, you'll come up with at least five or six reasons why he was such a complex character. Such as Covetousness; Deceit; Jealousy; Ambition and fear.

 Some of those things can look petty.  It only takes a crack to allow the evil one to come in and begin to use us to bring conflict, division, and destruction.

 Judas portrays the idolatry of our desires. It is easy to idealize our desires and want our way.

 Judas saw Jesus as a cause instead of as the Christ. He saw Christ as a cause instead of as a person. If you want to really learn from Christ and he tells you something unsettling, you won't throw him out.  You'll throw your wrong thoughts out.

 Jesus invited him to be his follower. Jesus took him as one of the twelve. He prayed over him. He taught him in secret when no other ears could hear, just those twelve. He entrusted him with their finances. He washed his feet. He even gave him the privileged piece of bread at the Last Supper.

Jesus did everything to say to this man, "Open your heart." And the mystery to me is that he said no.


