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2月21日 每日經歷神


標  題: 你們是光

經  節: 你們的光也當這樣照在人前,叫他們看見你們的好行為,便將榮耀歸給你們在天上的父。(馬太福音五章16節)

光照在黑暗中的果效,是絕對不會被看錯的。光是清清楚楚、毫不害羞地宣佈自己的存在。並且,光有力地驅散黑暗。神渴望以祂的光充滿你,祂要你在生活中閃耀出祂的同在與祂的大能的見證,好叫你周遭人們的黑暗,能被神榮耀的大光替換。然而,如果你注意到自己周圍的世界愈來愈黯淡,不要歸咎於黑暗!黑暗只是忠實地盡它的本分。光是惟一矯正黑暗的辦法。如果世界愈來愈黯淡,問題絕對不是黑暗的本身,而是沒有光。耶穌說,祂的門徒應該作「世界的光」(馬太福音五:14)。讓神的光藉著你閃耀,驅散黑暗。這是何等威嚴的責任!在宣告祂自己的到來,耶穌說:「那坐在黑暗裡的百姓看見了大光;坐在死蔭之地的人有光發現照著他們 。」(馬太福音四:16)耶穌降臨地上是不容忽視的,黑暗被驅散!耶穌所到之處,神的真理大膽地被宣告,人們得醫治,假冒為善的人被揭發,罪人得赦免。一旦天父藉著祂的兒子閃耀出祂的榮光,這世界不再相同了。這世界是否也因為你而不再相同?你的家是否發射出耶穌同在的光芒,照耀你的社區?當神的光毫無阻礙地藉著你的生命閃耀,你周圍的黑暗將被驅散。

You Are Light

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

There is no mistaking the effect of light upon a darkened place. Light boldly and unabashedly announces its presence and vigorously dispels darkness. God’s desire is to fill you with His light. He wants you to shine as a brilliant testimony of His presence and power in your life, so that the darkness in the lives of those around you will be displaced by the light of God’s glory.

If, however, you notice the world around you becoming darker and darker, don’t blame the darkness! It is simply doing what darkness does. The only remedy for darkness is light. If the world is becoming darker, the problem is not with the darkness. The problem is with the light. Jesus said His disciples should be the “light of the world” (Matt. 5:14). What an awesome responsibility—to be the ones through whom God would shine His divine light and dispel the darkness from around others! In announcing His own coming, Jesus said, “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death. Light has dawned” (Matt. 4:16).

There was no ignoring Jesus’ arrival upon earth! Darkness was dispelled! Everywhere Jesus went, God’s truth was boldly proclaimed, people were healed, hypocrisy was exposed, and sinners found forgiveness. The world was never the same once the Father introduced His light through His Son. Can that be said of you as well? Do your coworkers recognize the light that is within you? Does the presence of Christ radiate from your home into your community? When God’s light is allowed to shine unhindered through your life, the darkness around you will be dispelled.

2月20日 每日經歷神
2月19日 每日經歷神