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Fox Goes Christian

Warren Chu

A new studio called FoxFaith has launched. Fox, the studio that brought you shows like ‘The Simpsons’, ‘Nip/Tuck’, and ‘24’ is finally going Christian.

After the success of ‘The Passion of the Christ’ Hollywood learned a valuable lesson. That Christian movies do well. FoxFaith’s first theatrical production, ‘Love’s Abiding Joy’ a Christian movie based off a book about true love. The studio plans on releasing 20 movies per year. This studio will be completely devoted to Christian films and themes.

Finally we have a studio completely devoted to Christian themes. This will help greatly to bringing people to the light of Jesus.

新聞焦點: 9/11五周年調查 -- 信仰猶如止血貼
《2006年9月23--29日網上崇拜》 (1)
網上主日學: 哥林多前書2:12-16