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The Pandemic that is shaking the Nation

Warren Chu

Avian influenza (bird flu) is a genus of the orthomyxouiridae family that’s hosted by birds. It can inflict many mammals including birds, pigs, horses, seals, whales, and humans. Wild fowl are natural asymptomatic carriers. (Asymptomatic meaning neither causing or exhibiting symptoms) Bird Flu has not yet reached the US, but it is still causing a panic all over.
Humans are infected from other mammals. Fowls may have Avian Flu and pass it on to humans through air and manure. It can also be broadcasted through water, food, equipment, and clothing. The incubation period is 3-5 days, but with a virulent case it can cause death earlier. This virus can strike without warning. In one case a boy with HN51 experienced diarrhea followed quickly with a coma. This happened without developing respiratory or flu-like symptoms. But this happened perhaps because he had a weak immune system or he could have been exposed to the virus before, so he was partially immune to the symptoms of the flu. Knowing how the Influenza Flu infects is the first step to protecting your friends and family.
Influenzavirus A has hit many countries and continents. One of the inflicted is Asia. Officials are trying to quiet any talk of the H5N1 virus. But, many farmers have had their farms quarantined and their fowls slaughtered. But, health officials have nothing to hide. They have tracked genus A to its core. Even so, farmers continue to lose money. With dead chickens they have nothing to sell. Though just over 60 people in Asia have died, officials must stop the virus before it mutates, and it becomes highly contagious and spreads toward all other continents.
Avian Influenza has not yet reached the US. President George W. Bush has already decided to create a vaccine for Avian Flu. This vaccine will not be wide released and only available to 20 million Americans. $1 billion worth of Anti-Viral drugs, that will soften the severity of Avian Flu, will be given to the Asian countries hit by Influenzavirus A. But a pandemic can break out and the short supply that has the capacity to control it will be gone, and many will die. Therefore, the Bush Administration is requiring that states pay for the drugs from the national stockpile.
“Louisiana has the money for that? And Mississippi?” Sen. Tom Harkin asked. Though some are very inconclusive about the plan, officials continue stand by it. Hopefully, this will work out.
Avian Flu and the struggle to keep people safe is a huge issue now. Us needs to pull this together and we’ll stand a chance.

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