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John Casey;翻譯、播講:柏靈 宣信





1.      恶王亚哈统治时发生的一次旱灾,以利亚顺服上帝,躲藏在旷野里,上帝让乌鸦来供养他

2.      当那条溪水干涸以后,以利亚又顺服上帝“疯狂的指引”:到一个危险的地方找一个贫穷而饥饿的寡妇。

3.      以利亚顺服,不是因为他知道这是怎么一回事,而是因为他有上帝供应他的经历。


Real Giving 

Real giving to God puts God first and trusts him to supply. Real giving develops our trust in God not our money. Real giving develops our trust in the God who supplies.

Elijah obeys. He goes immediately without any question to this wilderness, and he puts himself in a place of depending on God because nobody else is going to provide for him there. God must come through. And God does.

Before real giving happens, God wins our heart. That’s where it starts.


