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 3月23日清晨甘露  .



我們的主因與試探艱苦鬥爭,心中發出極大的壓力,所以他的外體感到極度的激動壓榨著他,使他流出大血點一般的汗珠,落在地上。這個足以證明當罪壓到救主的身上使他流出大血點時,罪的重量是多麼大呀!這也證明他的愛有多麼大的能力。老安不魯斯(Isaac Ambrose)仔細地觀查,覺得樹木未經砍伐而自行流出的樹膠是最好的。樟樹節疤下被釘刺透的傷口常流出寶貴的香料。看哪!若沒有節疤,沒有釘痕,沒有創傷所流出來的香料就是最好的。這就是基督甘心所受的苦,沒有被槍刺透就流出了血。水果不用著刀,汁水就自然流出,不用羅馬官長說:“井啊,湧上水來”,自己就流出了鮮紅的血流。當人受到極度的苦痛時,他的血就流到心中,他的面頰變成了灰白,他昏倒過去,血液內流,好像當人受苦時作他裡面的營養。但是看我們救主所受的苦,他完全地忘了自己,他的血不單不往心裡流供給自己用,而是往外流到地上。基督所受的苦,他所流到地上的血,說明他為人所預備的是多麼豐滿。


March 23

"His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground." --Luke 22:44

The mental pressure arising from our Lord's struggle with temptation, so forced his frame to an unnatural excitement, that his pores sent forth great drops of blood which fell down to the ground. This proves how tremendous must have been the weight of sin when it was able to crush the Saviour so that he distilled great drops of blood! This demonstrates the mighty power of his love. It is a very pretty observation of old Isaac Ambrose that the gum which exudes from the tree without cutting is always the best. This precious camphire-tree yielded most sweet spices when it was wounded under the knotty whips, and when it was pierced by the nails on the cross; but see, it giveth forth its best spice when there is no whip, no nail, no wound. This sets forth the voluntariness of Christ's sufferings, since without a lance the blood flowed freely. No need to put on the leech, or apply the knife; it flows spontaneously. No need for the rulers to cry, "Spring up, O well;" of itself it flows in crimson torrents. If men suffer great pain of mind apparently the blood rushes to the heart. The cheeks are pale; a fainting fit comes on; the blood has gone inward as if to nourish the inner man while passing through its trial. But see our Saviour in His agony; he is so utterly oblivious of self, that instead of his agony driving his blood to the heart to nourish himself, it drives it outward to bedew the earth. The agony of Christ, inasmuch as it pours him out upon the ground, pictures the fulness of the offering which he made for men.

Do we not perceive how intense must have been the wrestling through which he passed, and will we not hear its voice to us? "Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin." Behold the great Apostle and High Priest of our profession, and sweat even to blood rather than yield to the great tempter of your souls.
