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Becoming better stewards of our minds
Just as we have a kingdom responsibility to manage the material things that God gives us, so we have a kingdom responsibility to manage the immaterial things he gives.
Your thoughts become you. Unhindered access to the mind and heart of Christ
•Colossians 1:21
•What alienates us from God is evil behavior¡Xour dastardliness, our choosing things that aren't in line with the heart of God.
•Paul says this enmity¡Xthis alienation¡Xhas a heater: your mind. Rebellion against God is first and foremost a head game.
•This is why when Jesus teaches the great principles of the kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount, he pushes holiness beyond the behavioral and into the psychological.
Our passage tells us that we have the mind of Jesus Christ because of the residence of the Holy Spirit.
•The Spirit comes on faith. It is a free gift. We don't earn it.
• It will take a humbling effort to push through, but on the other side is the wide open, beautiful, windswept place of the mind and heart of Jesus where
you can see as he sees and respond as he responds.